Sunday, November 22, 2009

My second show...finally some competition!

Scarlet is the first dog and she is being handled by Monica de Reus.  She finished Second, which is terrific considering both of the competing dogs are only a week away from turning 1 year old and Scarlet is only just 9 months this past Thrusday!  We are very proud of what she has accomplished.  She really improved from 2 weeks ago.  She stacked better, let the judge touch her rear and looked happy in the ring.  She did spend a lot of time sniffing the ground...but there are a lot of smells in there to distract an active puppy!  So, we are off to a great start and have back to back Saturday/sunday shows over the next two weekends.  By then, we should really know how bright our "show" future is looking.  We are very excited!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fashion Queen I am!

Well, Sylvia couldn't resist dressing her up!  All this time, she has been just holding herself back from putting clothing on this dog!  She made such a big stink about "no bibs" and then she has been slowing putting human clothes on her now and then...first it was that silly hat with the roses, then the collar for Halloween and now it is a scarf!  Good thing she didn't try this yesterday when we returned to Crossfields to meet up with Scarlet's sister, also named Scarlet and her other canine relatives.  Who knows what the breeder, Evelyn, might have had to say about it!  :)  All kidding aside...she turns 9 months old this week...and we love her more and more everyday.  What a gift she is in our lives....

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Scarlet's First Show

Here we are in our first show in Fitchburg, MA being handled by Monica de Reus.  We did pretty good and had a fantastic time.  We entered in the 6-under9 month class and our nerves got the best of us, so we were very lucky that we were the ONLY dog in the class and took the Blue Ribbon anyway!  Then we moved onto the Winner's Class, were we did much better, but the judge was right to award the ribbons to the other dogs!  We just had a terrific experience and Monica and Andrew made it all possible.  They came and helped us to groom Scarlet on Friday night and then got up very early today to ride with us to the show and get her ready all over again.  This was a terrific experience and we plan to do it again!  So...keep your eyes posted, more good news in the future for sure!

Friday, November 6, 2009

My new chew toy!

I would just love to understand an animal's interest in toilet paper!  I guess it is the soft texture and the fresh smell that attracts them...after all, in this house, we only buy the expensive stuff!  The interesting thing is that Scarlet must know that she is not supposed to be chewing it because she brings it to you as if to say..."Look what I have!"